Thursday, January 27, 2022

Why do I want to be a Journalist?


    The answer to this question is quite simple really, ever since I was a young girl I would always come home after school and go straight to the T.V. To of course watch the news, my parents must have thought I was insane. I mean honestly what was a young girl like me doing watching the news when she could have been hanging out with friends or doing homework? Thats when I started telling my parents that I wanted to be "like a movie star one day". Yes, in those exact words. And yes they still thought I was crazy. 

         But being their only child I assumed listened, and they always told me "reach for the stars! your dreams are never too big". Thats when my parents wanted to help me fulfill my dream by signing me up for every single News Camp/ acting class summer camp they could find. But I don't think my passion for wanting to be journalist grew until I was a freshman in high school, and it took part in a weekly news  podcast through my high school. My love for new and entertainment only grew further. 

After school I would then begin to start journaling instead of going straight to watch the news. All throughout high school my passion for journalism would grow more and more. I then toured High Point University who of course has a great reputation for journalism and communications majors, I absolutely loved what I saw during the tour of the communications building and immediately applied, and was later accepted. I have throughly enjoyed my journalism courses at HPU and hope to only gain further knowledge of what it really takes to be a journalist over my next two years here.  

High Point University's newest fine dining experience: Kazoku

  By: Madelyn Cooper  Q News      Kazoku Hibachi is High Point University's newest fine dining option, that is located inside the newest...