Thursday, April 21, 2022

"Goodnight and Good Luck" Movie Review


    Even before this class I have watched "Goodnight and Good Luck" several times. I also watched it last spring in Professor Smith's Media Law and Literacy class. Just by seeing the old time black and white film you would probably think it was filmed in the mid 1900s but it was filmed in 2005, directed by George Clooney. The film analyzes and shows how powerful the media is in political and personal terms. 

    The professional newsmen believe in American freedom. One of the newsmen Edward R. Murrow, believes that Sen. Joseph McCarthy is trying to take down "the American freedoms" by lying, overpowering, and then is destroyed by newsmen who actually tell the truth. 

Although, the main person who brings him down is Edward Murrow, who is a television and radio journalist. His radio broadcasts led him to be one of the most famous newsmen in television history. There are several times throughout the movie where he is backed up by producers and directors of his network which is CBS. But there are also some scenes where CBS loses sponsors because of Murrow and McCarthy's relationship in how it looks bad for the media. 

    All in all, I believe that "Goodnight and Good luck" portrays very well how even today not everything you see in the media is true, and behind the scenes many journalists do not get along with each other as much as they portray.     

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