Saturday, May 7, 2022

Collateral Murder (in class video)

    Before I watched the Collateral Murder video I had no idea what it would "entail", but I knew it would be very disturbing. Many of the clips throughout the video I could not even believe what I was watching. I personally find it interesting that the video starts with "The stories of most of those who were killed are unknown." Among the dead were two Reuters news employees. Saeed Chmagh and Namir Noor- Eldeen. My heart instantly wanted to break when I saw the image of Saeed's grieving son holding a picture of his late father. It saddened me even more when I learned how respected he was and passed away at only 40 years old.  Namir Noor- Eldeen was also very respected, and considered one of the best war photographers in Iraq. Personally, it has never made sense to me as to why the most innocent people are taken from us during wars.


   I honestly could not believe what I watching into the first five minutes of this, from hearing terrible vulgar cursing, and hearing "just keep shootin, just keep shootin", and hearing the awful words of "Look at those dead bast****". How could just a few people, kill several innocent people like that and be care-less about it? It comes down to two words Government and power...the Government in any country for that matter is all about "who has the power", and "what are we going to do next." Oftentimes, I feel that governments in many different countries are too "overpowered". 

The images I saw in this video were vastly disturbing, and I cannot imagine seeing this happen in person. Later, in the video it states "Eight minutes after the attack, ground troops arrive on the scene." I will say I do believe this video being released helped many people see the truth of what the government hides behind the scenes until videos like this are released.



The Press and War Blog



    Marina Ovsyannikova, whom is a Russian journalist was fined and released after she protested against the war in Ukraine on a live TV news program and made an "anti-war" video. Marina works as an editor at Channel 1, and she ran onto the news set recently holding a sign saying "no war." She was questioned for 14 hours proceeding this, and did not sleep for two days. Marina was also never given access to legal help. Marina claims "The interrogation lasted for more than 14 hours, I wasn't allowed to get in touch with my family or friends, I was denied access to a lawyer." Marina would stress several times that she came up with the idea of protesting by herself. She claims, "It was my anti-war decision. I made this decision by myself because I don't like Russia starting this invasion. It was really terrible." Ms. Ovsyannikova's whereabouts were completely unknown, as lawyers were searching for her, until an image was circulated through the media of her sitting in court with lawyer Anton Gashinsky. 

    It has been reported that a German media outlet, has hired Marina Ovsyannikova as a news correspondent. This was only just a few weeks after her protest happened. The Company is "Die Welt" and according to Ovsyannikova, Die Welt "stands for what is being defended so vehemently by the courageous people on the ground in Ukraine right now: for freedom." Ulf Porschardt, who is the editor in chief of Welt Group stated, "Ms Ovsyannikova's on-air protest "defended the most important journalistic ethics-despite the threat of state repression. I am excited to be working with her." Although Ms Ovsyannikova has still been able to get another job she could still face several years and further prosecution. Russia has also recently made it illegal to call the war an "invasion," for Russian controlled news organizations, correspondents now instead have to call it a "special military operation". 

    Russian authorities have been cracking down on independent journalism, anti-war protests and dissenting voices. Authorities have blocked the popular critical media outlets, and forced dozens of journalists to halt their work or leave the country, "authorities have almost completely deprived people in Russia of access to objective, unbiased and trustworthy information." It is unbelievable to me personally how Roskomnxdzor, Russia's media regulator, has blocked access to both Facebook and Twitter. 

    To end off with, Russian journalists and the press, ultimately have no say on what they can and cannot say while on camera and even off camera. Even the Russian people in general have no access to almost any social media, I personally cannot imagine living in a country that has almost no say on what they can view from media outlets all because of the government they live under. 

    Facebook and media crackdown 

    Russian Journalist Marina Ovsyannikova

    Marina Ovsyannikova is hired at German News Outlet






The Life Of Ernest Hemingway (Final Exam Journalism Heros)


    Many people may already know who Ernest Hemingway is or some people may have never heard of him before. Ernest Hemingway was a famous writer and author who has written several famous books such as, "The Sun also Rises", "The Old Man and the Sea", and "Dangerous Summer". While Hemingway became very famous throughout the years and even after his passing in 1962, he suffered from many mental health struggles. 

    Ernest Hemingway was born in 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois. Hemingway started his writing career very early as a newspaper writer in Kansas City at "The Star" at the age of seventeen. It is a known fact that Hemingway suffered from severe depression, paranoid delusions, and bipolar disease. Hemingway would also suffer for years from severe alcoholism, severe head injuries, and a rare genetic disease called "hemochromatosis", this can cause intense fatigue and memory loss. Suicide was very common in Hemingways family,  as his father, sister, brother and much later his granddaughter all committed suicide. Hemingway passed away from suicide after several previous suicide attempts on July 2 1961, just a few days before his 62nd Birthday. His wife found him and recalled his death as "being an accidental suicide", but everyone knows it was absolutely not an accident. 

    Although, Ernest Hemingway lived a very successful life he struggled a lot with his own issues, whether it was moving from wife to wife or suffering from mental health issues. Hemingways struggles demonstrates that anyone even famous people can suffer in silence and not show visible signs. Hemingway was always fond of writing and his pet cats.... this is how he seemed to decompress as well as spend his spare time. On a personal note, I have been to the Ernest Hemingway home in Key West, Florida. After arriving in Key West in April of 1928, Hemingway and his wife Pauline would later decide to make Key West their permanent home. Hemingways wife's Uncle Gus would buy a house on Whitehead Street for the couple. This home is now a well known historical and museum site. It homes over 60 polydactyl (six-toed) cats. Earnest Hemingway was gifted a polydactyl or six toed cat by a ship captain. The cat was white in color and aptly named Snow White. The cats on on the Hemingway home property today are "descendants" of the white polydactyl cat. I also throughly enjoyed learning more about Ernest Hemingway, when visiting this home. There was historical facts all throughout the home about Hemingway, the home furnishings and why he was important. I loved getting to pet the cats as well. The Hemingway home is a truly beautiful historical site, and I highly recommend it  to anyone who visits the Florida Keys. 

   Hemingway and Paulines marriage would end and they would ultimately divorce in 1940. Hemingway would begin living in Cuba along with what would be his third wife Martha Gel-horn. Hemingway would still visit Key West up until he died in 1961. Even though Key West has had its share of writers and artists alike no one would be as well known as Earnest Hemingway.

Hemingways Life     

The Story of Ernest Hemingway

Famous Books

The images below were taken by me at the Ernest Hemingway Home. 


High Point University's newest fine dining experience: Kazoku

  By: Madelyn Cooper  Q News      Kazoku Hibachi is High Point University's newest fine dining option, that is located inside the newest...