Saturday, May 7, 2022

Collateral Murder (in class video)

    Before I watched the Collateral Murder video I had no idea what it would "entail", but I knew it would be very disturbing. Many of the clips throughout the video I could not even believe what I was watching. I personally find it interesting that the video starts with "The stories of most of those who were killed are unknown." Among the dead were two Reuters news employees. Saeed Chmagh and Namir Noor- Eldeen. My heart instantly wanted to break when I saw the image of Saeed's grieving son holding a picture of his late father. It saddened me even more when I learned how respected he was and passed away at only 40 years old.  Namir Noor- Eldeen was also very respected, and considered one of the best war photographers in Iraq. Personally, it has never made sense to me as to why the most innocent people are taken from us during wars.


   I honestly could not believe what I watching into the first five minutes of this, from hearing terrible vulgar cursing, and hearing "just keep shootin, just keep shootin", and hearing the awful words of "Look at those dead bast****". How could just a few people, kill several innocent people like that and be care-less about it? It comes down to two words Government and power...the Government in any country for that matter is all about "who has the power", and "what are we going to do next." Oftentimes, I feel that governments in many different countries are too "overpowered". 

The images I saw in this video were vastly disturbing, and I cannot imagine seeing this happen in person. Later, in the video it states "Eight minutes after the attack, ground troops arrive on the scene." I will say I do believe this video being released helped many people see the truth of what the government hides behind the scenes until videos like this are released.



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